Laugh A Little
How many of you out there would love to have a cheerful day all the time? A bonafide elixir can be found in laughter. Gelotology (from Greek mythology gelos, god of laughter) is the study of laughter and its psychological and physiological outcomes on the body. Laughter is free of charge, lifelong nourishment for everyone, and an excellent backdrop to savoring life.
Our well-being improves with laughter. Research has shown it can increase circulation, release natural ”feel-good” chemicals called endorphins, and help lower your blood pressure by 7 mmHg. Laughter can help relax your whole body and muscles for up to 45 minutes. It can strengthen your immune system by increasing the killer cells that combat infection. This activity also increases respiratory function, supports happy emotions, reduces stress, and brings about a steady jolly attitude resulting in good health and spirits. Furthermore, laughter can turn a moment of distress into a light-hearted one like sitting through a torrential rainstorm and you are experiencing a carwash.
One cannot downplay the beneficial effects of laughter. Conjuring up a big smile and subsequent good belly laugh is easy. Remember a funny moment(s) that has happened in your life, recall hilarious stories shared by your friends and family, watch TV shows you enjoy like Seinfeld/The Office/The Carol Burnett Show, read the newspaper funnies or Humor pages in Reader’s Digest, pull up comedy movies like RV/Planes, Trains, and Automobiles/National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and last but not least, go to see a live stand-up comic. All are available with just a simple snap of the finger!
The world we live in is so hectic and trying nowadays and could use a lot of smiling and chuckling. So who wants the best organic medicine available? A big shout-out to laughter in my book! The joy of it nourishes self-preservation and creates a humbled bonding experience among individuals unrivaled by other means. First and foremost, take this antidote often for a healthy mind and body, and in turn, help humankind attain togetherness.
And so I leave you with a few legendary comedians who have paved the way to making our days light and refreshing.
Jerry Seinfeld:
“The worst way of flying, I think, is standby. It never works. That’s why they call it standby. You end up standing there going, ‘Bye!’”
“If you go to a bad movie, it’s two hours. If you’re in a bad movie, it’s two years.”
Rodney Dangerfield:
“My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you’re ugly too.”
“When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up.”
George Carlin:
“I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, ‘Where’s the self-help section?’ She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.”
“I recently went to a new doctor and noticed he was located in something called the Professional Building. I felt better right away.”