
Life Appreciation

How often do we take time out to appreciate life? Is it everyday, sometimes, or never? Sit and quietly ask yourself this all-important question. Your answer will reveal who and what you are as a person. Starting out each day is a new canvas to be painted. What did your painting from yesterday look like? Reflect and acknowledge to see if you did enough to fulfill your happiness. If you had a day(s) of wandering and complaining, it is because we did not allow ourselves to be centered in mind and spirit. 

Centering is the focused attention or energy on something to make one feel comfortable. It is truly a state of self-awareness that brings balance to your mental and physical health. To have this wonderful tool in your arsenal and apply its benefits will immediately turn your bad painting into a beautiful one. It allows one to experience the utmost joy of being alive and breathing what life is all and should be about. The art of centering is not difficult to learn but it takes practice and commitment. Empty your mind of the useless stress and clutter by commencing with slow and deep respiration, then affirm it with “Breathing in, I am a mountain. Breathing out, I am strong.” Repeat this rhythmic pace and your mind will begin to feel lucid and positive, your body will feel weightless, and your inner self will glow with a great appreciation of how fortunate you are to be living!

All in all, take a moment out of each day to slow down and ask yourself what life means to you. Enjoy every minute and the depth it has given you to be the best human being you can be. Life gives you limitless opportunities to be whole emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Do not be stagnant and let it pass you by. What a terrible waste if you did. The capsule we know as existence is limited, a vitality that must be admired at all times. Be centered and value your life on our fragile Earth…

Born in Saigon, Vietnam, I arrived in America at seven years old as a war refugee in 1975. I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy, happily married with two grown children, and reside in Colorado. A horrific injury in 2014 forever changed my life, leaving me an incomplete quadriplegic. Despite facing this unexpected journey, living in the moment remains fruitful, joyous, and appreciative. To be human is to show kindness to one another. Let go of your fears, prejudices, and desires and be alive in every waking moment to cherish the gravity of life and the gifts it has bestowed upon us. Turn and look at the person to your left, right, and all around, and project your inner being to be good to yourself and everyone. We are all born from the same fabric, so surround each other with unconditional love, support, and warmth in your hearts. Our time on Earth is precious and should be embraced with immense gratitude. Visit our PT practice at manualtherapyassociates.com