
Liquid Poetry: Never a Wasted Minute

Dawn arouses me to sounds of peace
Trees rustling at my window
The air so crisp and clean
In no haste, a day of wonder begins
I am grateful to be alive

As the sun beams down my face
Lovely rays reveal my spirit
From a dream to reality
Of mountains and faraway seas
I am grateful to be alive

To feel whole and free
I believe it is in me
Do the work of one
The blue sky is my refuge
I am grateful to be alive

I take each step to root
Let my being flow on through
An energy so perfect
Good vibrations of joy
I am grateful to be alive

Seasons come and fade away
I caress their messages
For they echo the truth
To always live and love on
I am grateful to be alive

Each second of my beating heart
Pure emotions fill the room
To feel the luck of existence
A beauty like no other
I am grateful to be alive

The gift of life is precious
Appreciate the time I have
Run with devotion and care
For it is finite without pause
I am grateful to be alive

Be present on a cosmic day
Each breath I take has meaning
Love myself and one another
Remain restful come dusk
I am grateful to be alive

Born in Saigon, Vietnam, I arrived in America at seven years old as a war refugee in 1975. I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy, happily married with two grown children, and reside in Colorado. A horrific injury in 2014 forever changed my life, leaving me an incomplete quadriplegic. Despite facing this unexpected journey, living in the moment remains fruitful, joyous, and appreciative. To be human is to show kindness to one another. Let go of your fears, prejudices, and desires and be alive in every waking moment to cherish the gravity of life and the gifts it has bestowed upon us. Turn and look at the person to your left, right, and all around, and project your inner being to be good to yourself and everyone. We are all born from the same fabric, so surround each other with unconditional love, support, and warmth in your hearts. Our time on Earth is precious and should be embraced with immense gratitude. Visit our PT practice at manualtherapyassociates.com

One Comment

  • Clebert LeBlanc

    “Each breath has meaning”
    I will share this line with everyone looking for an opportunity to be here now!