Friends For Life
For all dog lovers out there, there is something beautifully mystic about them worth sharing. I am speaking on their behalf because of the joy they have showered me on an incredibly deep and heartfelt level. A dog is not just a man’s best friend, it is everyone’s best friend! Undoubtedly, we can learn a lot from them at no cost to us. They certainly are creatures of habit but entail so much more than that, showing a sweet personality that is beyond our comprehension.
To begin, a bad dog does not exist, only good ones do. Having the former is the result of us being inadequate in showing them unconditional love, support, and proper guidance from the moment they are in your custody. All of these factors play such a critical role in establishing their makeup and that is the truth. Your dog should always be an integral part of your existence (like welcoming a new baby or family member) and never be relegated as a “pet” in your domicile. From the minute you open the door, your dog’s excited energy and tail wagging a hundred miles an hour are destined to be about only one thing on their mind: “I’m so glad you’re home! I miss you! How’s your day? Thank you for your love and for taking good care of me!” I liken it to one witnessing a comet streaking across the sky or seeing the Northern Lights for the first time with wonder and happiness but the big difference is that they emit this same emotion towards you consistently without pause. They display this wonderful response because it is a fond return of what you mutually express to them. This is poetry in motion at its finest.
A dog will always start and end your day on a grateful note. They innately have unfiltered adoration for humans that is committed. They do read your happy emotions and are eager to reciprocate. When you do not feel well, are struck by a stressful day, and/or experience sadness, their uncanny mental ability to be the positive remedy to your plight is amazing. Dogs bring us so much natural devotion and to simply state it, make us feel better!
So I implore you to treat your dog(s) with endless love and a lot of hugs. They teach us the value of humanism, caring for one another, having an understanding mind, possessing a tenderhearted soul, and enjoying the notion that there are no bad days, only good ones! As Temple Grandin, world-renowned American scientist and animal behaviorist, eloquently said, “People wouldn’t have become who we are today if we hadn’t coevolved with dogs.” So nurture your furry loved one every day… you will be glad you did.

Blessings and peace to you both. Tien and Sandra two of the kindest nicest and smartest people I ever met.
Such a beautiful article, thank you.
Patti Allen
Tien you are an inspriration to all of us that are blessed to know you. Being a neighbor has been heartwarming to see your progress. The love and support you and Sandy show for each other is unwavering. We love you both. Patti and Steve