Liquid Poetry: Dearest Adrian
Upon waking up every morning, vivid thoughts I have Who entered my life can be so precious, so endearing? The feeling of how beautiful this being is awashes me It is you, my son, for whom I am grateful to be born Fully loving someone is infinite, no timeline to meet A baby boy smiling perpetually, eyes beaming with wonder Your early growth brings excitement, moments of awe It is you, my son, for whom I am blessed to shoulder Caressing you in my arms brings unmatched warmth Showered by irresistible sunshine, lasting to comfort me For all seen and unseen are heartfelt without a lapse It is you, my…
Liquid Poetry: Indomitable Soul
Love who you are, define your purpose, strengths A patient tree bears lasting fruits, beauty to amaze Stay the course for success, to derail is to fail Everything you do matters, none are left to fade Positive thoughts attract good outcomes Whatever unfolds will forever shine happiness Permeate in its clear deluge, be thankful for Stay deeply enthused, satisfying rewards to come Be a problem solver, not a chronic complainer Tackling an obstacle is creating due resolve Avoid ever sulking, an emotion most unworthy Effort drives certainty, a light left aglow Put yourself in others’ shoes to understand Have compassion, mindfully exist without conditions Ignite your beacon of support, a…
Ebb and Flow
Fluidly vibrant colors bring aliveness into a room – that is how I see life. Be in awe of its presentation, like seizing lightning in a bottle. Move along with its current forces, and accept the emerging drifts as they come. Take everything in stride wrapped in kindness and understanding, and there will be no room for negativity. Be easygoing, lenient, and adaptive in your inner sanctum. In the profound words of Bruce Lee, “Empty your mind. Be formless. Shapeless. Like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes…
Liquid Poetry: For Andréa & Nakota
The stars have aligned, clear and radiant Behold the purpose, forever it will be Your journey as one unfolds, a rhyme so beautiful Face to face, a togetherness like no other Holding hands is not trivial, never passive A connection of love it shows, endless to eternity A flow of vitality without conditions Repeat daily without pause, with empathy Peaks and valleys, readiness to face is key Be in each other’s presence, a precious jewel Unlimited support are ties that bind Stay sound in spirit, all will be well Exercise the essence of team, not in isolation It is not you or me, what matters is us An understanding mind…
Are you working from home and in pain? Bad ergonomics may be to blame
We are in the midst of fighting an unprecedented pandemic that has profoundly affected us all in myriad ways. A big challenge for many is managing the working-from-home (WFH) space and the stress it can have on our bodies, especially when we’re ergonomically compromised. If you are stuck working from your couch, bathroom or dining-room table, take note of these tips! Neck pain and headaches can emerge from having a bad ergonomic setup. Either can be triggered from being in a prolonged forward head posture, which is usually from having the computer screen too low and a lack of back support. The combination causes one’s head to migrate forward. This…
Liquid Poetry: Message of Love
Be the agent of love you are, lest not forgetChannel it out, no holding back, be ever pervasiveA tick brings tenderness, a tock showers gratitudeBeautiful hands of love, a human embraced with devotingThrough the darkness, remain aglow effervescently Help yourself, aid others to arrive in harmonyNo one moment can be lost, for it is thereLove holds all in concert, a togetherness like no otherImagine people without tension, void of hatredLiving in kindness, an offering to behold, questionlessThe moment we give, a blossom of healing ignitesA love all will uptake, unconditionally for the bestWalk not in front, but alongside each otherA connection of happy feelings, absorb and ingrainBe not blinded, to…
Long Live Longevity
Each minute, hour, and day we are alive moves the needle to getting older. That is life, and time waits for no one, they say. What constitutes aging and how one perceives it is fascinating to me. Here lies one facet of living that is intriguing to ponder and can be channeled with beneficial outlets to optimize longevity. Research has shown the adverse effects of life stressors on aging can place a tremendous amount of cumulative damage to our body down to the molecular level. All the markers required to be healthy become disproportionate, resulting in structural and functional abnormalities observed in cells, tissues, and systems. From a weakened immune…
Liquid Poetry: Never Surrender
I have come so far Living life as it unfolds No doors were left ajar Never felt left out in the cold One day everything changed No warning, no words said To the edge of darkness I plunged Lifeless like a deserted thread Woke up on the other side Numb to the world, lost lucidity Freedom to live, forever denied Now lying in dire rigidity Still the positive will shine above the fear Do not surrender, be in the moment In bouts of sadness, the good reappears Be strong and take hold of the flame Everyday is worthy of reflections All you have done carries weight Begin to weave a…
Rising From Adversity
Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher of the 18th century, wrote, “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” He believed that suffering inevitably exists in the world without meaning. Nonetheless, his view of how one deals with it, to bear the hardships and beat them, plays an essential part in building strength and character. To get the better of adversity, one finds a way to overcome its worthlessness. The theme of pain and suffering also is realized in Buddhism, a beautiful religion I grew up with. I am passionate about this subject and its connection to life’s success. I have faced and quashed…
Liquid Poetry: My Andréa
I behold the magical, here to see The beacon to my existence arrived A gift unimaginable, elation washed over me A moment of joy so sublime The beginnings of life unfold To hold your hand, to guide, to teach A mission I cherish to the end of time A stable path you have paved Be resilient, be determined Defeat adversity, leave none ignored Here lies growth in strength and character For what you do is who you are Need a pillar to lean on, I will be there A voice to resonate by, within earshot away Have no hesitancy, no worries Nothing can be lost to the wind Thinking of…