• Positivity

    The Defined Mind

    I wake up every day with ongoing physical hurdles, but what has helped me stay in the moment is the embodiment of having a sustained mental state of positivity. I have abided by this model all my life and it has truly been tested like never before since suffering from a high spinal cord injury in 2014. Our body is like a car and the mind is the engine that drives it. You need to keep the engine optimally tuned so the path to enjoying life can manifest valuable and thankful returns. One can “fight the good fight” against paralysis as in my case or an impasse(s) you have endured…

  • Positivity

    Friends For Life

    For all dog lovers out there, there is something beautifully mystic about them worth sharing. I am speaking on their behalf because of the joy they have showered me on an incredibly deep and heartfelt level. A dog is not just a man’s best friend, it is everyone’s best friend! Undoubtedly, we can learn a lot from them at no cost to us. They certainly are creatures of habit but entail so much more than that, showing a sweet personality that is beyond our comprehension. To begin, a bad dog does not exist, only good ones do. Having the former is the result of us being inadequate in showing them…